South Stoke Millenium Viewpoint

South Stoke Millenium Viewpoint

Manor Farm Buildings, South Stoke, Avon, BA2 7PQ

Only accessible by foot from South Stoke village on concrete paths. A great east through south to west horizon without local light pollution sources. Seating available and some shelter from northerly winds. A significant improvement compared to the suburbs several hundred metres north. Location recommended by Bath Astronomers.

South Stoke Millenium Viewpoint has been recommended as a great place to stargaze by the local authority, national park, community organisation or property owner. May require payment for access or parking.

Location events organiser

Bath Astronomers

Bath Astronomers organises events at this location

Please contact Bath Astronomers directly with any enquiries relating to visiting this location

Weather forecast

  • 02/06/24

    20° 0%
  • 02/06/24

    16° 0%
  • 03/06/24

    12° 0%
  • 03/06/24

    11° 0%

Weather forecast for Prior Park Bath (1.5 miles away) updated 02/06/24 at 16:00.

Stay and gaze nearby

Stay at one of these stargazing-friendly accommodation providers.

  • Double-Gate Farm B&B

    Riverside, Lower Godney, Somerset, BA5 1RZ (20.2 miles away)

    Stay & Gaze

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