Nettwood Farm

Nettwood Farm

East Harptree, Bristol, Avon, BS40 6DA

Nettwood Farm is the venue for star camp events organised by the Wells & Mendip Astronomers.

Location events organiser

Wells & Mendip Astronomers

Wells & Mendip Astronomers organises events at this location

Please contact Wells & Mendip Astronomers directly with any enquiries relating to visiting this location

Weather forecast

  • 03/06/24

    16° 4%
  • 03/06/24

    13° 4%
  • 04/06/24

    12° 5%
  • 04/06/24

    12° 5%

Weather forecast for Green Ore (2.6 miles away) updated 03/06/24 at 16:00.

Stay and gaze nearby

Stay at one of these stargazing-friendly accommodation providers.

  • Double-Gate Farm B&B

    Riverside, Lower Godney, Somerset, BA5 1RZ (8.7 miles away)

    Stay & Gaze

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