Gouthwaite Reservoir Picnic Area - Nidderdale

Gouthwaite Reservoir Picnic Area - Nidderdale

Ramsgill, Pateley Bridge, North Yorkshire, HG3 5AE

Car park and picnic area ideally situated just north of Pateley Bridge under the darkest of skies.  Gouthwaite Reservoir featured in the Discover Nidderdale’s Dark Skies promotional video.

Gouthwaite Reservoir Picnic Area - Nidderdale has been recommended as a great place to stargaze by the local authority, national park, community organisation or property owner. May require payment for access or parking.

Weather forecast

  • 02/06/24

    17° 4%
  • 02/06/24

    14° 4%
  • 03/06/24

    12° 4%
  • 03/06/24

    12° 6%

Weather forecast for Pateley Bridge (3.6 miles away) updated 02/06/24 at 20:00.

Events nearby

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  • Dark Skies Experience at Sutton Bank

    Saturday 1st March 2025 from 18:45pm to 21:45pm

    Sutton Bank Star Hub, Thirsk, YO7 2EX (25.6 miles away)

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Stay and gaze nearby

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  • Easterside Farm

    Hawnby, Helmsley, North Yorkshire, YO62 5QT (29.2 miles away)

    Stay & Gaze

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