Double-Gate Farm B&B

Double-Gate Farm B&B

Riverside, Lower Godney, Somerset, BA5 1RZ

Double-Gate Farm is located in the middle of a linear village called Godney and in the middle of the Somerset Levels. There is no street lighting meaning the dark sky view is uninterrupted. We offer 4-Star Gold accommodation, have our seasonal Tea Room and the village inn next door! Only 4 miles from Glastonbury and 6 miles from Wells.

Stay & gaze - this location benefits from dark skies, relatively low levels of light pollution, is astronomy friendly and suitable for stargazing breaks.

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Weather forecast

  • 01/06/24

    18° 0%
  • 01/06/24

    15° 0%
  • 02/06/24

    13° 0%
  • 02/06/24

    10° 0%

Weather forecast for Yarley (2.4 miles away) updated 01/06/24 at 04:00.