Buckden National Park

Buckden National Park

Dalegarth, Buckden, North Yorkshire, BD23 5JU

Car park in Buckden with minimal lighting free of charge to stargazers between 7pm and 6am (even if signage states otherwise).

Buckden National Park is a Dark Sky Discovery Site, an officially recognised place where anyone can stargaze. Most such locations have overnight parking (sometimes with a fee); however, many do not allow overnight camping. There may or may not be toilet facilities.

Weather forecast

  • 01/06/24

    14° 0%
  • 01/06/24

  • 02/06/24

  • 02/06/24


Weather forecast for Buckden (0.1 miles away) updated 01/06/24 at 12:00.

Stay and gaze nearby

Stay at one of these stargazing-friendly accommodation providers.

  • Bowland Wild Boar Park

    Chipping, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 2QT (28.9 miles away)

    Stay & Gaze

    More info