Ashbury Hill Ridgeway Car Park

Ashbury Hill Ridgeway Car Park

Ashbury, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 8DB

This car park offering access to the Ridgeway makes for an excellent spot for stargazing. This location is recommended by the North Wessex AONB as a recommended place to stargaze.

Ashbury Hill Ridgeway Car Park has been recommended as a great place to stargaze by the local authority, national park, community organisation or property owner. May require payment for access or parking.

Weather forecast

  • 01/06/24

    16° 1%
  • 01/06/24

    12° 0%
  • 02/06/24

    11° 0%
  • 02/06/24


Weather forecast for Lambourn (4.8 miles away) updated 01/06/24 at 16:00.

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