Junior AstronOMy Club
The last Sunday of the month from January 2024 to December 2024
OM Dark Sky Park and Observatory
Davagh Forest, Cookstown, County Tyrone, BT79 8JH
Join the OM Dark Sky Observatory team for a tour through outer space. Take a closer look at our Sun, Moon and all the planets in the solar system, then whizz through the galaxy and find the most unusual (and funniest!) looking objects in the night sky. We’ll also have some crafts activities for you to paint, draw and create your space-themed art. These sessions occur on the last Sunday of each month.
Event organiser
OM Dark Sky Park and Observatory organises these events
Please contact OM Dark Sky Park and Observatory directly for more details regarding their events.
Email: [email protected]
Website: OM Dark Sky Park and Observatory
Twitter: @omdarksky
Facebook: OM Dark Sky Park and Observatory
Local light pollution
OM Dark Sky Park and Observatory is estimated to have light pollution levels similar to adark site dark site location based on the latest data from the VIIRS satellite.
Dark site
The above demonstrates the estimated effect of light pollution - graphics created using Stellarium.
Forthcoming events
Below is a list of Junior AstronOMy Club events at OM Dark Sky Park and Observatory. You can view events at this location on a calendar.
Stay and gaze nearby
Stay at one of these stargazing-friendly accommodation providers.