Mid Kent Astronomical Society virtual meeting via Zoom

Mid Kent Astronomical Society virtual meeting via Zoom

Friday 12th November 2021 from 19:45pm to 22:00pm

Online event by Mid-Kent Astronomical Society

Lorne Whiteway – The not so constant Hubble constant.

The Universe is expanding – but how quickly? In this presentation Lorne will describe how our understanding of the rate of expansion has evolved over the last 100 years, and how there is still disagreement over its value. Finally, he will describe what the future holds for the expansion rate.

Non-members can access this online meeting upon receipt of a small donation; please email [email protected] before noon on the day before for details.

Please note that this has already taken place on 12/11/2021

Event organiser

Mid-Kent Astronomical Society

Mid-Kent Astronomical Society is organising this event

Please contact Mid-Kent Astronomical Society directly for more details regarding this event or, if appropriate, contact the event venue.

Event booking

For full details on how to attend this event, including how to book, please see the event's official website.

Visit event website