Mid Kent Astronomical Society - Meeting

Mid Kent Astronomical Society - Meeting

Friday 8th April 2022 from 20:00pm to 22:00pm

Online event by Mid-Kent Astronomical Society

Dr Julian Onions A Universe from scratch
Virtual presentation by Zoom with possible hybrid meeting at Bredhurst Village Hall.
Join from 19:45 onwards.
Astronomy is mostly a visual and non-experimental science. We can only look at what is out there but can’t bring stars and galaxies into the lab. However, we can build them inside computers and attempt to simulate them. In this talk, we will see how simulations can show us how the universe evolves and what we can do with them, and what areas we are still struggling to make models of.

Please note that this has already taken place on 08/04/2022

Event organiser

Mid-Kent Astronomical Society

Mid-Kent Astronomical Society is organising this event

Please contact Mid-Kent Astronomical Society directly for more details regarding this event.

Online event booking

For full details on how to attend this event, including how to book, please see the event's official website.

Visit event website