Bossington Beacon Car Park - Exmoor

Bossington Beacon Car Park - Exmoor

North Hill, Bossington, Somerset, TA24

Weather forecast

  • 05/06/24

    13° 0%
  • 05/06/24

    12° 3%
  • 06/06/24

    12° 10%
  • 06/06/24

    12° 51%

Weather forecast for Porlock Weir - Porlock Bay (beach) (1.4 miles away) updated 04/06/24 at 20:00.

Events nearby

Display nearby events on a calendar
  • Bridgend Astronomical Society meeting

    Wednesday 17th July 2024 from 19:30pm to 21:30pm

    Bridgend Tennis Club, Bridgend, CF31 3AZ (19.7 miles away)

    More info
  • Barry Astronomical Society meeting

    Monday 22nd July 2024 from 19:30pm to 22:00pm

    Cemetery Approach Community Centre, Barry, CF62 8BQ (18.3 miles away)

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  • Barry Astronomical Society meeting

    Monday 5th August 2024 from 19:30pm to 22:00pm

    Cemetery Approach Community Centre, Barry, CF62 8BQ (18.3 miles away)

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  • Port Talbot Astronomical Society meeting

    Tuesday 6th August 2024 from 19:00pm to 21:00pm

    Port Talbot Gas Welfare Club, Port Talbot, SA12 6BY (27.8 miles away)

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  • North Devon Astronomical Society meeting

    Wednesday 7th August 2024 from 19:45pm to 21:00pm

    Sticklepath Methodist Church, Barnstaple, EX31 2DJ (24.6 miles away)

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Stay and gaze nearby

Stay at one of these stargazing-friendly accommodation providers.

  • Longmead House – Exmoor

    9 Longmead, Lynton, Devon, EX35 6DQ (12.2 miles away)

    Stay & Gaze

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  • Shoulsbarrow Farm

    Exmoor National Park, Challacombe, Devon, EX31 4TS, South West (14.3 miles away)

    Stay & Gaze

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  • Ursabear Cabin

    Morebath, Bampton, Devon, EX16 9AL (14.4 miles away)

    Stay & Gaze

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  • The Poltimore Observatory and Inn

    East Street, North Molton, Devon, EX36 3HR (15.4 miles away)

    Observatory, Stay & Gaze

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  • Heale Farm – Exmoor

    Parracombe, North Devon, Devon, EX31 4QE (16.4 miles away)

    Stay & Gaze

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  • RyePark House

    Button Lane, Bratton Fleming, Devon, EX31 4SF, South West England (17.5 miles away)

    Stay & Gaze

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