Astronomy Ireland Head Office

Astronomy Ireland Head Office

Unit H4 Rosemount Business Park, Blanchardstown, D11 RK2K

Head office for Astronomy Ireland.

Astronomy Ireland Head Office is a private location and is only accessible out of normal hours for stargazing by prior arrangement or when public events are scheduled.

Location events organiser

Astronomy Ireland

Astronomy Ireland organises events at this location

Please contact Astronomy Ireland directly with any enquiries relating to visiting this location

Weather forecast

  • 13/01/25

    12° 11%
  • 13/01/25

    11° 11%
  • 14/01/25

    11° 56%
  • 14/01/25

    11° 8%

Weather forecast for Killowen (46.5 miles away) updated 13/01/25 at 20:01.

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