An Lanntair

An Lanntair

Kenneth Street, Stornaway, Isle of Lewis, HS1 2DS

An Lanntair is an arts centre in Stornaway. As well as being a local hub for creativity including visual art, theatre and dance, it is the centre-point of the Hebridean Dark Skies Festival.

An Lanntair is a private location and is only accessible out of normal hours for stargazing by prior arrangement or when public events are scheduled.

Weather forecast

  • 14/01/25

    10° 17%
  • 14/01/25

    10° 11%
  • 15/01/25

    10° 13%
  • 15/01/25

    11° 13%

Weather forecast for Stornoway (0.2 miles away) updated 13/01/25 at 20:01.

Events nearby

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Stay and gaze nearby

Stay at one of these stargazing-friendly accommodation providers.

  • Mill View Bed and Breakfast

    Gress, Isle of Lewis, HS20NB (6.9 miles away)

    Stay & Gaze

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