Explore the Moon with Simon Holbeche
Saturday 19th October 2024 from 18:30pm to 20:30pm
Torre Cider Farm
Washford, Somerset, Somerset, TA23 0LA
It’s been there in the skies since the earliest history of the Earth. It has forged our landscape through tides and guided fauna from the seas to the shores and on to the land. It has provided light at night peaking every 4 weeks to synchronise nature’s clock. So as humans developed it is no surprise the Moon was engrained in culture and mysticism. The scientific study of the Moon commenced long before the telescope was invented but this is when our understanding of the Moon began to change. Following a hot 2 course dinner, join Simon Holbeche from Bath Astronomers for a talk that will whisk you all the way to the modern day and challenge the next generations to resolve many remaining lunar conundrums.
This event takes place as part of the Exmoor Dark Skies Festival 2024, running from the 18th of October to the 3rd November.
Event booking
Event darkness
The below chart shows if and when the skies will be at their darkest during this event. Moonlight is shown in light yellow and the Sun's twilight in light blue. Midnight on the date shown is shown as a white line with sunset to the left and sunrise the next morning to the right. A black background with stars shows the best times for stargazing.
Sat 19th Oct
Local light pollution
Torre Cider Farm is estimated to have light pollution levels similar to arural rural location based on the latest data from the VIIRS satellite.
Dark site
The above demonstrates the estimated effect of light pollution - graphics created using Stellarium.
Forthcoming events
Below is a list of events at Torre Cider Farm. View these events on our calendar, add them to your calendar or Google Calendar.