Bannau Brecheiniog Dark Sky Festival presentation - The Science of Dr Who (and Stargazing)
Saturday 23rd September 2023 from 19:00pm to 20:00pm
Brecon - Libanus Mountain Centre
Libanus, Brecon, Powys, LD3 8ER, Wales
Doctor Who is a science-fiction institution, known and loved worldwide (and maybe beyond). It shows fantastic ideas, time-travel, two-hearted aliens, bizarre worlds, and boxes bigger on the inside. All good science-fiction fun…but is any of it possible? It turns out a fair amount is at least plausible! Come and join Phill Wallace FRAS, CAS Chairman, as he delves into the time vortex and tries to make sense of the impossible.
Followed by stargazing with telescopes & binoculars with Cardiff & Usk Astronomical societies at 8pm-9pm.
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Mae Doctor Who yn sefydliad ffug-wyddonol sydd yn wybyddus ledled y byd (a thu hwnt.) Mae’n dangos syniadau gwych, teithio trwy amser, estroniaid sydd â dwy galon, bydoedd anhygoel a bocsys mawr. Hwyl ffug-wyddonol. . . ond oes unrhyw beth yn bosibl? Mae llawer ohono’n gredadwy! Dewch i ymuno â Phill Wallace FRAS, Cadeirydd CAS wrth iddo dwrio mewn amser a cheisio gwneud synnwyr o’r hyn sydd ar y wyneb yn amhosib.
Cyn y sgwrs gallwch gymryd rhan mewn syllu ar y sêr gyda thelesgopau ac ysbienddrych gyda Chymdeithasau Seryddol Caerdydd a Brynbuga am 8pm-9pm.
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This event occurs as part of the Bannau Brecheiniog Dark Sky Festival 2023.
Please note that this has already taken place on 23/09/2023
Event organiser
Brecon Beacons National Park is organising this event
Please contact Brecon Beacons National Park directly for more details regarding this event or, if appropriate, contact the event venue.
Email: [email protected]
Website: Brecon Beacons National Park
Event booking
Event darkness
The below chart shows if and when the skies will be at their darkest during this event. Moonlight is shown in light yellow and the Sun's twilight in light blue. Midnight on the date shown is shown as a white line with sunset to the left and sunrise the next morning to the right. A black background with stars shows the best times for stargazing.
Sat 23rd Sep
Local light pollution
Brecon - Libanus Mountain Centre is estimated to have light pollution levels similar to arural rural location based on the latest data from the VIIRS satellite.
Dark site
The above demonstrates the estimated effect of light pollution - graphics created using Stellarium.
Forthcoming events
Below is a list of events at Brecon - Libanus Mountain Centre. View these events on our calendar, add them to your calendar or Google Calendar.
Stay and gaze nearby
Stay at one of these stargazing-friendly accommodation providers.