Cambridge AstroPlus - In Earth Orbit

Cambridge AstroPlus - In Earth Orbit

Monday 4th October 2021 from 19:00pm to 20:00pm

Online event by Cambridge Astronomical Association

On the 4th October 1957 Sputnik was launched (at 7.28pm, so almost exactly 64 years ago!) into orbit around the Earth. Since then, more than 11 000 spacecraft have been launched with many more planned. While many look down on the Earth, others look out into space using many frequencies to answer some of the mysteries of the Universe. We’ll cover what’s happened since Sputnik and find out just how cluttered space around the Earth is.

Join the Cambridge Astronomical Association for this free online Zoom presentation, particularly suited for younger astronomers and beginners. The link to the Zoom meeting is accessible from the association’s website.

Please note that this has already taken place on 04/10/2021

Event organiser

Cambridge Astronomical Association

Cambridge Astronomical Association is organising this event

Please contact Cambridge Astronomical Association directly for more details regarding this event.

Online event booking

For full details on how to attend this event, including how to book, please see the event's official website.

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