Stour Astronomical Society meeting and observing
The first Tuesday of the month from November 2021 to August 2022
Cavendish Memorial Hall
Melford Road, Cavendish, Suffolk, CO10 8AD
Join the Stour Astronomy Society members for their “first Tuesday of each month” meeting to include an illustrated presentation and, weather and Covid permitting, observing using the society’s telescopes and binoculars afterwards. Everyone is welcome, no matter their level of knowledge or experience: if you are interested in astronomy, join in!
Please note that this has already taken place on 01/11/2021
Event organiser
Stour Astronomical Society organises these events
Please contact Stour Astronomical Society directly for more details regarding their events.
Email: [email protected]
Website: Stour Astronomical Society
Local light pollution
Cavendish Memorial Hall is estimated to have light pollution levels similar to arural rural location based on the latest data from the VIIRS satellite.
Dark site
The above demonstrates the estimated effect of light pollution - graphics created using Stellarium.